Eleventh Grade Thermal Properties of Matter
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Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
Reversible and Irreversible processes, Carnot Engine
2K 9 hours
Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
Heat engine, Limitation of First law of thermodynamics, Second law of Thermodynamics, Reversible and Irreversible Processes
2K 3 hours
Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
Different Thermodynamic processes: Isothermal, Adiabatic, Isobaric and Isochoric processes
2K 9 hours
Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
PV-graphs, Work done during a cyclic process, Thermodynamic processes
2K 9 hours
Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
First law of Thermodynamics, Molar Specific heat of gas, PV-graphs, Work done during a cyclic process
2K 6 hours
Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
Heat, Internal Energy, Work and First law of Thermodynamics
2K 9 hours
Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
Introduction,Thermal equilibrium, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Heat,Internal Energy, Work
2K 9 hours
Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
Thermal Conduction, Convection and numerical problems
2K 9 hours
Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
Molecular Explanation of Thermal Expansion, Specific Heat Capacity
2K 4 hours
Physics - Thermal Properties of Matter
Numerical problems on Capillarity, Rise of Liquid in a capillary Tube
2K 9 hours