1. The natural system of classification for flowering plantswas given by (a) Carolus Linnaeus (b) Bentham and Hooker (c) Engler and Prantl (d) R. H. Whittaker 2. Phylogenetic classification system is based on the (a) morphological characters of various organisms. (b) anatomical characters of various organisms. (c) physiological characters of various organisms. (d) evolutionary relationships between the variousorganisms. 3. Cytological information like chromosome number,structure, behaviour is relatedwith (a) numerical taxonomy (b) cytotaxonomy (c) chemotaxonomy (d) all of these 4. Flagellate isogametes and anisogametes are found in (a) Spirogyra(b) Fucus (c) Volvox(d) Chlamydomonas 5. Fusion of two gametes which are dissimilar in size is termedas _______. (a) isogamous (b) oogamous (c) anisogamous (d) agamous 6. Algin, carrageen and proteins are obtained from (a) red algae, brown algae, green algae respectively. (b) brown algae, red algae, green algae respectively. (c) red algae, green algae, brown algae respectively. (d) green algae, brown algae, red algae respectively. 7. Which of the following class of algae is rarely found infresh water? (a) Chlorophyceae(b) Phaeophyceae (c) Rhodophyceae(d)Both (a) and (b) 8. Which of the following class of algae is mostly found insalt water? (a) Phaeophyceae (b) Rhodophyceae (c) Chlorophyceae (d)Both (a) and (b) 9. What is the number and position of insertions of flagellain rhodopyceae class of algae? (a) 2 - 8, equal, apical (b) 2, unequal, lateral (c) 2 - 6, equal, lateral (d) Flagella are absent in Rhodophyceae 10. In class phaeophyceae, the plant body is usually attachedto the substratum by a A and has a stalk, the Band leaf like photosynthetic organ-the C . (a) A – holdfast, B – stipe, C – frond (b) A – stipe, B – holdfast, C – frond (c) A – frond, B – stipe, C – holdfast (d) A – stipe, B – frond, C – holdfast 11. Which of the following groups of plants play an importantrole in plant succession on bare rocks/soil? (a) Algae (b) Bryophytes (c) Pteridophytes (d) Gymnosperms 12. _______ represent the reproductive organs amongstgymnosperms. (a) Prothallus (b) Capsules (c) Setae (d) Cones 13. In bryophytes, male and female sex organs are called______ and ______ respectively. (a) microsporangia; macrosporangia (b) male strobili; female strobili (c) antheridia; archegonia (d) androecium; gynoecium 14. Laminaria (Kelp) and Fucus (Rock weed) are examples of (a) green algae(b) brown algae (c) red algae(d) golden brown algae 15. Pyrenoids in green algal cells are related to (a) starch formation (b) protein storage (c) general metabolism (d) enzyme secretion 16. The heterosporous pteridophyte belonging to the classlycopsida is (a)Selaginella (b) Psilotum (c) Equisetum (d) Pteris 17. Which of the following pteridophytes belong to classpteropsida? (a) Equisetum and Psilotum (b) Lycopodium and Adiantum (c) Selaginella and Pteris (d) Pteris and Adiantum 18. Cycas and Adiantum resemble each other in having (a) seeds(b) motile sperms (c) cambium(d) vessels 19. Protonema and leafy stage are the predominant stage ofthe life cycle of (a) moss (b) dicots (c) liverwort (d) gymnosperm 20. Which one of the following is a correct statement? (a) Pteridophyte gametophyte has a protonemal andleafy stage. (b) In gymnosperms, female gametophyte is free-living. (c) Antheridiophores and archegoniophores are presentin pteridophytes. (d) Origin of seed habit can be traced in pteridophytes.\ 21. Why rhodophyta exhibit a red colour ? (a) Since most rhodophyta grow at great depths, thechlorophyll can only absorb light in the red area ofthe spectrum. (b) The wavelengths of light that are absorbed bychloro- phyll are passed to phycoerythrin (a redpigment). (c) Red pigment of rhodophyta absorbs all the lightwaves. (d) The light reaching the greatest depth in water is inthe blue-green region of the spectrum, is absorbedby phycoerythrin. 22. Which of the following statement is incorrect? (a) Double fertilization is unique to gymnosperms andmonocotyledons. (b) Sequoia, a gymnosperm, is one of the tallest treespecies. (c) Phaeophyceae members possess chlorophyll a andc, carotenoids and xanthophylls. (d) Moss is a gametophyte which consists of two stagesnamely, protonemal stage and leafy stage. 23. Which one of the following is the major differencebetween mosses and ferns ? (a) Ferns lack alternation of generation while mossesshow the same. (b) Mosses are facultative aerobes while ferns areobligate aerobes. (c) Vascular bundles of ferns show xylem vessels whilethose of mosses lack it. (d) Sporophytes of ferns live much longer as comparedto the sporophytes of mosses. 24. What is the similarity between gymnosperms andangiosperms? (a) Phloem of both have companian cells. (b) Endosperm is formed before fertilization in both. (c) Origin of ovule and seed is similar in both. (d) Both have leaves, stem and roots. 25. Which one of the following terms is correctly matchedwith their definition in Pinus (a) Monoecious – Male (microsporangiate) and female(megasporangiate) cones are produced on sameplant. (b) Monoecious – Male and female sporophylls borneon same strobilus. (c) Dioecious – Male and female cones are produced ondifferent plants. (d) Monoecious – Micro and megasporocarp developon same plant. 26. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct aboutmosses ? (a) The predominant stage of its life cycle is thegametophyte which consists of two stages –protonema and leafy stages. (b) Leafy stage are attached to the soil throughmulti-cellular and branched rhizoids. (c) Sex organs-antheridia and archegonia are producedat the apex of the leafy shoots. (d) All of the above 27. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ? (a) In angiosperms, each embryo sac has a three-celledegg apparatus – one egg cell and two synergids,three antipodal cells and two polar nuclei. (b) All seed – bearing plants i.e., gymnosperms andangiosperms follow dipontic life patterns of plants. (c) In gymosperms, roots in some genera have fungalassociation in the form of mycorrhiza (Pinus) whilein some others (Cycas) small specialized roots calledcoralloid are associated with N – fixingcyanobacteria. (d) All of the above 28. Which one of the following statements concerning thealgae is incorrect ? (a) Most algae are photosynthetic. (b) Algae can be classified according to their pigments. (c) All algae are filamentous. (d) Spirogyra does not produce zoospores. 29. Which of the following statements is/are correct ? (i) In Equisetum, the female gametophyte is retainedon the parent sporophyte. (ii) In Ginkgo, male gametophyte is not independent. (iii) The sporophyte in Riccia is more developed thanthat in Polytrichum. (iv) Sexual reproduction in Volvox is isogamous. (a) Two(b) Three(c) Four(d) One 30. Consider the following statements regardinggymnosperms and choose the correct option. (i) In gymnosperms, the male and female gametophyteshave an independent existence. (ii) The multicellular female gametophyte is retainedwithin the megasporangium. (iii) The gymnosperms are heterosporous.Of these statements (a) (i) and (ii) are correct but (iii) is incorrect (b) (i) and (iii) are correct but (ii) is incorrect (c) (ii) and (iii) are incorrect but (i) is correct (d) (ii) and (iii) are correct but (i) is incorrect 31. Which of the following statements with respect to algaeare correct (i) Fusion between one large, non-motile female gameteand a smaller, motile male gamete is termed asoogamous. (ii) Fusion of two gametes dissimilar in size is termed asoogamous. (iii) Fusion of two gametes similar in size is calledanisogamous. (iv) In chlorophyceae, the major pigments are chlorophylla and b , and the food is stored as starch. (v) In rhodophyceae, the major pigments are chlorophylla and d , and the food is stored as mannitol. (a) (i) and (v)(b) (iii) and (v) (c) (i) and (ii)(d) (i) and (iv) 32. Which of the followingg statements with respect togymnosperms and angiosperms is/are correct? (i) The process of double fertilization is present ingymnosperms. (ii) Angiosperms range in size from microscopic Wolffiato tall trees of Sequoia. (iii) In gymnosperms, the seeds are not covered (iv) In gymnosperms, the male and female gametophyteshave an independent free living existence. Of the above statement (a) (i) and (ii)(b) (iii) only (c) (ii) and (iii)(d) (iii) and (iv) 33. Read the following statements and choose the correctoption. (i) In rhodophyceae, food is stored in the form ofmannitol and laminarin. (ii) The ovules of gymnosperms are not enclosed byovary wall. (iii) Salvinia is heterosporous. (iv) In the diplontic life-cycle, the free living gametophyterepresents the dominant phase. (a) (ii) and (iii) are correct but (i) and (iv) are incorrect. (b) (ii) and (iv) are correct but (i) and (iii) are incorrect. (c) (iii) and (iv) are correct but (i) and (ii) are incorrect. (d) (i) and (ii) are correct but (iii) and (iv) are incorrect. 34. Consider the following statements regarding the major pigments and stored food in the different groups of algaeand choose the correct option (i) In chlorophyceae, the stored food material is starchand the major pigments are chlorophyll-a and d. (ii) In phaeophyceae, laminarian is the stored food andmajor pigments are chlorophyll-a and b. (iii) In rhodophyceae, floridean starch is the stored foodand the major pigments are chlorophyll-a, d andphycoerythrin. (a) (i) is correct, but (ii) and (iii) are incorrect (b) (i) and (ii) are correct, but (iii) is incorrect (c) (i) and (iii) are correct, but (ii) is incorrect (d) (iii) is correct, but (i) and (ii) are incorrect 35. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (i) Green algae are the members of chlorophyceae. (ii) Brown algae are found primarily in marine habitates (iii) Some red algae are found in fresh water, mostly occurin salt water, some arefound in brackish water. (iv) The food in red algae is stored as floridean starch. (v) Red alga may occur in both well-lighted regions closeto water-surface and also at great depths in oceans where light penetration is little. (a) (i) and (v) only (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv) only (c) All of the above (d) None of the above 36. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct aboutgemmae ? (i) These are specialised structures by which asexualreproduction take place in liverworts. (ii) They are green, multicellular and asexual buds. (iii) They develop in small receptacles called gemma cups. (iv) They detach from parent body and germinate to form new individuals. (a) (i) and (ii)(b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (i), (ii) and (iii)(d) All of these 37. Which of the following branch of science is beingdescribed by the given statements (i) It can easily done by using computers based on allobservable characters. (ii) Numbers and codes are assigned to all the charactersand the data are then processed. (iii) Each character is given equal weightage and at thesame time hundred of characters can be considered. (a) Cytotaxonomy (b) Numerical taxonomy (c) Chemotaxonomy (d) b-taxonomy 38. Which of the following statements about algae is/arecorrect? (i) Algae are chlorophyll – bearing simple, thalloid,heterotrophic and aquatic (both fresh water andmarine) organisms. (ii) Algae reproduce by vegetative means only. (iii) Fusion of two gametes dissimilar in size is termed asoogamous. (iv) A few of the massive forms of algae such as kelps,form massive plant bodies. (a) Only (i) (b) Both (i) and (iii) (c) Only (iv) (d) All of these 39. The following statements are associated with one classof algae. Identify the class of algae. (i) One or more storage bodies called pyrenoids locatedin the chloroplasts are present in the members ofthis class. (ii) They have a rigid cell wall made of an inner layer ofcellulose and an outer layer of pectose. (iii) Asexual reproduction is by flagellated zoosporesproduced in zoosporangia. (iv) Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Ulothrix, Spirogyra andChara are commonly found members of this class. (a) Chlorophyceae (b) Rhodophyceae (c) Phaeophyceae (d) None of these 40. Refer to the following statement(s) and identify the groupof plant which is being described by the given statements? (i) They include various mosses and liverworts that arefound commonly growing in moist shaded areas inthe hills. (ii) They lack true roots, stem or leaves. (iii) The main plant body is haploid. (iv) They produce a multicellular body sporophyte whichis not free living but attached to the photosyntheticgametophyte and derives nourishment from it. (a) Algae (b) Fungi (c) Bryophytes (d) Pteridophytes 41. Which of the following group of plant is being describedby the given statements ? (i) The plant body is thalloid. (ii) Asexual reproduction takes place by fragmentationof thalli, or by the formation of specialized structurescalled gemmae. (iii) The sporophyte is differentiated into a foot, setaand capsule. (iv) They grow usually in moist and shady habitats. (a) Liverworts (b) Moss (c) Fern (d) Gymnosperm 42. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct aboutpteridophytes? (i) The main plant body is a sporophyte which isdifferentiated into true roots and leaves. (ii) The leaves are small (microphylls) as in ferns or large(macrophylls) as in Selaginella. (iii) Genera like Selaginella and Salvinia which producetwo kinds of spores–macro (large) and micro (small)spores, are known as heterospores. (iv) Common examples are Funaria, Polytrichum andSphagnum. (a) Both (i) and (ii) (b) Both (ii) and (iii) (c) Both (i) and (iii) (d) All of these 43. Which of the following group of plant is being describedby the given statements ? (i) They are plants in which the ovules are not enclosedby any ovary wall and remain exposed before andafter fertilization. (ii) The giant red wood tree Sequoia is one of the tallesttree species of the group. (iii) The roots are generally tap roots. (iv) They are heterosporous and they produce haploidmicrospores and megaspores. (a) Algae (b) Bryophytes (c) Gymnosperms (d) Pteridophytes 44. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct aboutangiosperms ? (i) In angiosperms or flowering plants, the pollen grainsand ovules are developed in specialised structurecalled flowers. (ii) They are divided into two classes : the dicotyledonsand the monocotyledons. (iii) The male sex organ in a flower is the pistil or thecarpel (iv) The female sex organ is the stamen. (a) Only (i) (b) Both (i) and (ii) (c) Both (ii) and (iv) (d) All of these 45. Read the following statements and answer the question. (i) Sporophytic generation is represented only by theone-celled zygote. (ii) Meiosis in the zygote results in the formation ofhaploid spores. (iii) The dominant, photosynthetic phase in such plantsis free-living gametophyte. (iv) Many algae such as Volvox, Spirogyra and somespecies of Chlamydomonas represent this pattern. Which of the following pattern of life cycle of plant isdescribed by the above statements ? (a) Haplontic(b) Diplontic (c) Haplo-diplontic(d) None of these 46. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct ? (i) Agar, one of commercial products obtained fromLaminaria and Sargassum are used to growmicrobes and in preparations of ice-creams and jellies. (ii) In phaeophyceae, major pigments are chl a, d andphycoerythrin. (iii) Pteridophytes classified into four classes : Psilopsida,Lycopsida, Sphenopsida and Pteropsida. (iv) Gemmae are green, multicellular, asexual buds, whichdevelop in small receptacles called gemma cupslocated on the thalli. (a) Both (i) and (ii) (b) Both (ii) and (iv) (c) Both (iii) and (iv) (d) All of these 47. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (a) Pyrenoids contain protein besides starch. (b) Sexual reproduction may be isogamous, oogamous and anisogamous in green and brown algae. (c) Some of the members of algae also occur inassociation with fungi (lichen) and animals (eg, onsloth bear). (d) The leaves in pteridophytes are well adapted towithstand extremes of temperature, humidity andwind. In the following questions, a statement of Assertion is followed by a statement of Reason. (a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion (b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion. (c) If assertion is true but Reason is false. (d) If both Assertion and Reason are false. 48. Assertion: Double fertilization is a characteristic featureof angiosperms. Reason: Double fertilization involves two fusions. 49. Assertion: Members of phaeophyceae vary in colour fromolive green to various shades of brown. Reason: Phaeophyceae possess chlorophyll a, c,carotenoids and xanthophylls. 50. Assertion: Mosses are evolved from algae. Reason: Protonema of mosses is similar to some greenalgae. 51. Assertion: Red algae contributes in producing coral reefs. Reason: Some red algae secrete and deposit calciumcarbonate over their walls. 52. Assertion: Coconut tree is distributed in coastal areasover a large part of the world. Reason: Coconut fruit can float and get dispersed overthousands of kilometers before losing viability. 53. Assertion: Red algae contributes in producing coral reefs. Reason: Some red algae secrete and deposit calciumcarbonate over their walls. 54. Assertion: The peristome is a fringe of teeth-likeprojections found at the mouth of the capsule. Reason: It may be of two types nematodontous andorthodontus. 55. Match the column-I with column-II and select the correctanswer using the codes given below. Column-I Column-II (Group of Plant Kindgdom) (Examples) A. Algae I. Solanum tuberosum B. Fungi II. Equisetum C. Angiosperm III. Cycas D. Pteridophyte IV. Chlamydomonas E. Gymnosperm V. Rhizopus (a) A – V; B – IV; C – I; D – II; E – III (b) A – IV; B – V; C – I; D – II; E – III (c) A – IV; B – I; C – V; D – II; E – III (d) A – IV; B – I; C – V; D – III; E – II 56. Match the classes of pteridophytes given in column Iwith their examples given in column II and choose thecorrect option
(a) A – II; B – I; C – IV; D – III (b) A – I; B – II; C – IV; D – III (c) A – II; B – I; C – III; D – I (d) A – II; B – IV; C – I; D – III 57. Match column-I with column-II and choose the correctoption.
(a) A – III; B – IV; C – I; D – II (b) A – IV; B – III; C – I; D – II (c) A – IV; B – III; C – II; D – I (d) A – IV; B – I; C – III; D – II 58. Match the column I with column II and choose the optionwhich shows its correct combination.
(a) A – III; B – II; C – I (b) A – I; B – II; C – III (c) A – II; B – I; C – III (d) A – III; B – I; C – II 59. Match the column-I with column-II and choose the correctoption.
(a) A – II; B – I; C – III (b) A – I; B – III; C – II (c) A – III; B – II; C – I (d) A – I; B – II; C – III 60. Match the column-I with column-II and choose the correctoption.
(a) A – I; B – II; C – III; D – IV (b) A – IV; B – III; C – II; D – I (c) A – II; B – III; C – IV; D – I (d) A – II; B – IV; C – III; D – I 61. Match the column-I with column-II and choose the correctoption.
(a) A – III; B – IV; C – I; D – II (b) A – III; B – IV; C – II; D – I (c) A – IV; B – III; C – II; D – I (d) A – III; B – II; C – IV; D – I 62. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched ? (a) Chlorophyceae – Major pigments are chl a and b. (b) Phaeophyceae – Cell wall is made up of celluloseand algin. (c) Rhodophyceae – Stored food is mannitol. (d) Chlorophyceae – Cell wall is made up of cellulose. 63. Select the correct match of the feature present in columnI with its respective terms given in column II.
(a)A – I; B – II; C – III; D – IV; E – V (b)A – III; B – V; C – II; D – IV; E – I (c)A – III; B – I; C – V; D – II ; E – IV (d)A – V; B – IV; C – III; D – I; E – II
64. The given figures (A, B, C, D) represent the members algae. Identify the correct option for the given diagrams.
65. Refer to the given figure (A, B, C and D) and answer the question. Which of the following figures are the members of green alga?
(a) A, B and D(b) A, B and C (c) B, C and D(d) C, D and A
66. The given figures represent the examples of bryophytes. In them few structures/parts are marked as A, B, C and D.
Identify the option which shows the correct labelling of A, B, C and D. 67. Which one of the following options correctly represents the type of life cycle patterns?
(a) A - Diplontic, B - Haplodiplontic, C – Haplontic (b) A - Haplodiplontic,B - Haplontic, C – Diplontic (c) A - Haplontic, B - Diplontic, C – Haplodiplontic (d) A - Diplontic, B - Haplontic, C – Haplodiplontic 68. Identify the plants (A, B, C and D) and choose their correct names from the options given below.
69. The given figure shows the life cycle of an angiosperm. Few plants are marked as A, B, C, D and E. Identify the correct labelling from the given options.
(a)A–Stigma, B–Anther, C–Male gametophyte, D–Egg, E–Female gametophyte (b)A–Stigma, B–Anther, C–Female gametophyte, D–Egg, E–Male gametophyte (c)A–Stigma, B–Anther, C–Male gametophyte, D–Fertilized egg, E–Female gametophyte (d)A–Stigma, B–Anther, C–Embryo sac, D–Egg, E–Female gametophyte 70. Which of the following example belong to the same classof algae? (a) Chara, Fucus, Polysiphonia (b) Volvox, Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas (c) Porphyra, Ectocarpus, Ulothrix (d) Sargassum, Laminaria, Gracilaria 71. A bryophyte differs from pteridophytes in having (a) archegonia. (b) lack of vascular tissue. (c) swimming antherozoids. (d) independent gametophytes. 72. Fern plant is a (a) haploid gametophyte (b) diploid gametophyte (c) diploid sporophyte (d) haploid sporophyte 73. The unique feature of bryophytes compared to other plantgroups is that (a) they produce spores. (b) they lack vascular tissues. (c) they lack roots. (d) their sporophyte is attached to the gametophyte. 74. If there are 4 cells in an anther, what will be the number ofpollen grains? (a) 8(b) 4(c) 16(d) 12 75. Bryophytes are different from fungi in having (a) land habit. (b) sterile jacket layers. (c)multiflagellate gametes (d)gametophytic plant body. 76. Moss peat is used as a packing material for sending flowersand live plants to distant places because (a) it reduces transpiration. (b) it serves as a disinfectant. (c) it is easily available. (d) it is hygroscopic. 77. If the cells of root in wheat plant have 42 chromosomes,then the no. of chromosome in the cell of pollen grain is (a) 14(b) 21 (c) 28(d) 42 78. A research student collected certain alga and found thatits cells contained both chlorophyll a and chlorophyll das well as phycoerythrin. On the basis of his observation,the students conclude that the alga belongs to (a)Rhodophyceae (b)Bacillariophyceae (c)Chlorophyceae (d)phaeophyceae 79. Fruits are not formed in gymnosperms because of (a) absence of pollination.(b) absence of seed. (c) absence of fertilization.(d) absence of ovary. 80. What is common in all the three, Funaria, Dryopteris andGinkgo? (a) Independent sporophyte (b) Presence of archegonia (c) Well developed vascular tissues (d) Independent gametophyte 81. In angiosperms, a mature male gametophyte is derivedfrom a pollen mother cell by (a) three mitotic divisions. (b) one meiotic and two mitotic divisions. (c) two meiotic divisions. (d) a single meiotic division. 82. If you are asked to classify the various algae into distinctgroups then which of the following characters you shouldchoose for the classification ? (a) Nature of habitat (b) Structural organization of thallus (c) Chemical composition of the cell wall (d) Types of pigments present in the cell 83.Protonema (a) is a stage of gametophytic generation. (b) is a creeping, green, branched and develops directlyfrom a spore. (c) produces lateral bud which forms leafy plant body. (d) All of the above 84. The spreading of living pteridophytes is limited andrestricted to narrow geographical region because (a) gametophytic growth needs cool, damp and shadyplaces. (b) it requires water for fertilization. (c) due to absence of stomata in leaf and absence ofvascular tissue. (d) both (a) and (b) 85. Classification of plants proposed by Carolus Linnaeuswas artificial because it was based on (a) only a few morphological characters. (b) evolutionary tendencies which are diverse. (c) anatomical characters which are adaptive in nature. (d) physiological traits alongwith morphologicalcharacters. 86. Mosses are of great ecological importance because of (a) its contribution to prevent soil erosion. (b) its contribution in ecological succession. (c) its capability to remove CO from the atmosphere. (d) both (a) and (b) 87. You are given an unknown plant to study in the laboratory. You find that it has chlorophyll, no xylem. Its multicellular sex organs are enclosed in a layer of jacket cells. Itsgametophyte stage is free living. The plant probablybelongs to (a)Chlorophyceae (b) bryophyte (c) pteridophyte (d) gymnosperm 88. Mosses do not have ‘true leaves’ because their leaf-likestructures lack (a) starch in their chloroplast. (b) vascular tissues. (c) chlorophyll. (d) cellulose in their cell walls. 89. Place the following groups of plants in order, beginningwith those that first appeared on the earth and progressingtoward those that appeared most recently in time. (a) Gymnosperms, angiosperms, ferns, moss, algae (b) Algae, moss, ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms (c) Moss, algae, ferns, angiosperms, gymnosperms (d) Algae, ferns, angiosperms, gymnosperms, moss 90. Chemotaxonomy is connected with (a) classification of chemicals found in plants. (b) use of phytochemical data in systematic botany. (c) application of chemicals on herbarium sheets. (d) use of statistical methods in chemical yielding plants. 91. In order to colonize land, plants needed to acquire whichof the following characteristics? (a) A mechanism for moving water throughout the plant. (b) A mechanism to prevent desiccation of tissues. (c) An ability to screen ultraviolet radiation. (d) Both (b) and (c) 92. Deep in the tropical rain forest, a botanist discovered anunusual plant with vascular tissues, stomata, a cuticle,flagellated sperm, cone-like reproductive structuresbearing seeds, and an alternation-of-generations life cycle. He was very excited about this discovery because it wouldbe rather unusual for a plant to have both (a) a cuticle and flagellated sperm. (b) vascular tissues and alternation of generations. (c) seeds and flagellated sperm. (d) alternation of generations and seeds. 93. A universal feature of the life cycle of plants is (a) morphologically identical haploid and diploid stages. (b) genetically identical haploid and diploid stages. (c) alteration of generations between heteromorphichaploid gametophytes and diploid sporophytes. (d) none of the above 94. Angiosperms have dominated the land flora primarilybecause of their (a) power of adaptability in diverse habitat. (b) property of producing large number of seeds. (c) nature of self-pollination. (d) domestication of man. 95. A student was given a sample to observe under themicroscope. He observed and found that the sample isthe most common type of spore involved in asexualreproduction in algae. Identify the spore. (a) Zoospore(b) Endospore (c)Hypnospore(d) None of these 96. Refer to the statement and answer the question. “They usually reproduce vegetatively by fragmentationand asexually by non - motile spores and sexually by non- motile gametes.” Identify the group of plants and its example. (a) Mosses, Funaria (b) Red algae, Polysiphonia (c) Brown algae, Laminaria (d) Pteridophytes, Selaginella 97. Which algal groups have similarity in pigmentcomposition ? (a) Red algae and brown algae (b) Green algae and blue green algae (c) Kelps and diatoms (d) Diatoms and euglenoids 98. Autotrophic thallophytes are called as :- (a) Fungi (b) Lichens (c) Algae (d) Microbes 99. Parasitic algae is :- (a) Laminaria (b) Fucus (c) Sargassum (d) Cephaleuros 100. "Red rust of tea" is caused by parasitic:- (a)Algae (b) Fungi (c) Bacteria (d) Bryophyta 101. No zoospore formation has been observed in thealgal members belonging to:- (a) Chlorophyceae (b) Brown algae (c)Phaeophyceae (d) Cyanophyceae 102. Which pigment is found in phaeophyceae? (a) Chl. a, c and fucoxanthin (b) Chl. a, d and violaxanthin (c) b Carotene and phycocyanin (d) None of these 103. Food reserve in Rhodophyta is :- (a) Floridean starch (b)Mannitol (c)Leucosin (d) All of the above 104. Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of :- (a)Procaryotes (b)Thallophyta (c)Bryophyta (d)Spermatophyta 105. Photosynthetic pigments common to all algae :- (a) Chlorophyll "b" and carotene (b) Chlorophyll "a" and "b" (c) Chlorophyll "a" and carotene (d) Chlorophyll and xanthophyll 106. Chlorella, a very good source of protein, belongsto:- (a) Chlorophyta (b) Rhodophyta (c)Pyrrophyta (d) Phaeophyta 107. Deepest algae in sea are :- (a) Red Algae (b) Brown Algae (c) Green Algae (d) Golden Algae 108. Phycobilins are characteristic pigments of :- (a)Rhodophyta and phaeophyta (b)Rhodophyta and Pyrophyta (c)Pyrophyta and Cyanophyta (d) Rhodophyta and Cyanophyta 109.Which of the following plant groups have similarpigment composition ? (a) Rhodophyta andphaeophyta (b) Chlorophyta and phaeophyta (c) Rhodophyta and cyanophyta (d) All of the above 110. Globule and nucule are sex organs of :– (a) Chara (b) Chlorella (c) Laminaria (d) Polysiphonia 111. Flagellated cells are absent in :- (a) Red algae (b) Blue green algae (c) Higher seed plants (d) All the above 112. Green algae are considered as ancestors of higherplants due to their resemblance with higher plantsin :- (a) Pigments (b) Cell wall (c) Stored food (d) All the above 113.Pyrenoids are characteristically found in algae. Apyrenoid consists of :- (a) Core of starch surrounded by protein (b) Core of protein surrounded by starch (c) Core of fatty acids covered by starch (d) Nucleic acid and protein 114.Inchlorophyta the mode of sexual reproduction is :- (a) Isogamy (b) Anisogamy (c) Oogamy (d) Isogamy, Anisogamy and oogamy 115.Unique character of Thallophyta is :- (a) Thalloid body (b) Absence of vascular tissue (c) Zygotic meiosis (d) All the above 116.In thallophyta main plant body is:- (a)Gametophyte (b) Sporophyte (c) Diploid plant body (d) Leafy plant body 117.Sexual reproduction in Thallophyta takes place by:- (a)Isogamy (b) Anisogamy (c) Oogamy (d) Any of the above 118. Most advanced group of Algae is :- (a)Myxophyta (b)Chlorophyta (c) Brown algae (d) Phaeophyta 119."Agar-agar" is obtained from :- (a) Green Algae (b) Red Algae (c) Brown Algae (d) Yellow green Algae 120.Motile stages are not found in life cycle of :- (a) Red Algae & green Algae (b) Red Algae & brown Algae (c) Red Algae & blue green Algae (d) Green Algae & brown Algae 121.Embryo is not formed in thallophyta due to :- (a) Zygotic meiosis (b) Zygotic mitosis (c) Sporangial meiosis (d) Gametic meiosis 122.Oogonia of Thallophyta differs with archegonia ofbryophyta :- (a) Being multicellular (b) Being jacketed (c) Being stalked (d) Being unicellular and jacket less 123.Which of the following best explains the evolutionof sexual reproduction ? (a) Chlamydomonas (b)Ulothrix (c)Puccinia (d) Albugo 124.Cephaleuros, which causes "Red rust of tea" is a :- (a) Red Algae (b) Brown Algae (c) Dinoflagellate (d) Green Algae 125.Volvox belongs to :- (a) Brown Algae (b) Red Algae (c) Golden Algae (d) Green Algae 126.Gametes are non-motile in :- (a) Blue green Algae (b) Red Algae (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Green Algae 127.Blue - green algae resembles more closely to:- (a) Green Algae (b) Brown Algae (c) Red Algae and bacteria (d) Slime molds 128.Which of the following statement is true for algae ? (a) Algae have root, stem and leaves (b) Algae have true roots but lack leaves (c) Algae have rhizoides and leaves (d) Body of algae is thallus 129. In which plant group reproductive organs are notenclosed in a layer of sterile cells? (a) Pteridophyta (b) Thallophyta (c) Angiosperm (d) Gymnosperm 130. Classification of algae is mainly based on :- (a) Reproductive organs (b) Structure of spores (c) Pigments (d) Stored food 131."Carrageenin" is obtained from :- (a) Chondruscrispus (b) Gelidium (c) Laminaria (d) Macrocystis 132. Female sex organ of algae is called :- (a) Carpel (b) Oogonium (c) Archegonia (d)Oosphere 133.Which of the following is not correctly matched ? (a) Heterocyst = N2-fixation structure of B.G.A. (b) Hormogonia = Reproductive structure of B.G.A (c) Floridean starch = Stored food of brown algae (d) Cyanophycean starch = Stored food of B.G.A. 134. Cilia & flagella are absent in life cycle of :– (a) Red algae (b) Brown algae (c) Green algae (d) Red algae & B.G.A. 135. Which algae best explains the evolution of sexualreproduction ? (a) Green algae (b) Red algae (c) Brown algae (d) B. G. Algae 136. Embryo is present but true vasculature is absent inthe group :- (a)Cyanophyta (b)Tracheophyta (c) Bryophyta (d) Chlorophyta 137. The unique feature of Bryophytes compared to othergreen plant groups is that:- (a) They produce spores (b) They lack vascular tissue (c) They lack root (d) Their sporophyte is attached to gametophyte 138. In Bryophytes diploid number of chromosomes occurin:- (a)Gametes (b) Spores (c) Spore mother cells (d) Nuclei of gametes 139. The group bryophytaincludes :- (a) Liverworts and ferns (b) Liverworts and club moss (c) Moss and ferns (d) Liverworts and moss 140. A leafy non vascular plant with parasitic sporophyticgeneration should properly be classified in (a) Thallophyta (b) Bryophyta (c) Pteridophyta (d) Spermatophyta 141. Bryophyta includes :- (a) Mosses (b) Club mosses (c) Horse tails (d) All the above 142. A leafy gametophyte plant with multicellular rhizoidsand sporophyte differentiated in foot, seta andcapsule should belong to :- (a)Psilopsida (b)Hepaticopsida (c)Bryopsida (d)Lycopsida 143. Bryophytes differ from thallophytes in having:- (a) Embryo (b) Rhizoids (c) Sterile jacket around sex organs (d) All the above 144. Spores do not form protonema but directly growinto flat branching thallus in :- (a) Liverworts (b) Mosses (c) Ferns (d) Gymnosperms 145. In bryophyta, simplest sporophyte occur in :- (a) Riccia (b) Marchantia (c) Funaria (d) Anthoceros 146. In which of the following bryophytes there aregemmae, the means of vegetative reproduction? (a) Riccia(b) Marchantia (c) Sphagnum(d) Anthoceros 147. In Bryophytes what is absent :- (a) Embryo formation (b) Fertilization (c) Motile gametes (d) True roots and vascular tissue 148. In bryophytes fertilization takes place:- (a)At low temp. (b) In dry condition (c) In presence of water (d) In above all situation 149. Which statement is true about bryophytes ? (a) They are non photosynthetic (b) Zygote produces gametophyte on germination (c) Spores form gametophyte plant on germination (d) They have vascular tissues 150. Which bryophyte is of economic importance ? (a) Funaria (b) Marchantia (c) Riccia (d) Sphagnum 151. Mosses are gregarious because they :- (a) Have vascular tissue (b) Have indirect germination of spores (c) Have direct germination of spores (d) Have spore mother cells 152. Aquatic ancestry of bryophytes is evidenced by:- (a) Their green colour (b) Algae like protonema (c) Many aquatic bryophytes (d) Flagellated male gametes 153.Moss sporophyte is diffentiated in :- (a) Stem & leaves (b) Root, stem and leaves (c) Rhizoids, stem & leaves (d) None of these 154. Oblique septa are found in which part of moss :- (a) Rhizoids of sporophyte (b) Rhizoids of gametophyte (c) Leaves (d) Stem 155. Leaves of Mosses and Ferns are :- (a) Analogous and homologous both (b) Analogous but not homologous (c) Homologous but not analogous (d) None of the above 156.Which of the following plants are similar inrequirement of water for fertilisation ? (a) Bryophyta (b) Pteridophyta (c) Angiosperm (d)(a) and (b) both 157. The bryophyte which can absorb water upto 18 timesof its weight :- (a) Anthoceros (b) Sphagnum (c) Riccia (d) Marchantia 158. In which of the following zygote further develops toform a diploid structure ? (a) Thallophyta (b) Bryophyta (c) Algae (d) Fungi 159.Bryophytes are :– (a) First successful land plant (b) Vascular cryptogames (c) Non vascular cryptogames (d) Vascular embryophytes 160.Sex organ in bryophytes are :– (a) Unicellular and jacketed (b) Unicellular and non-jacketed (c) Multicellular and jacketed (d) Multicellular and non jacketed 161. Fossilised fuel obtained from bog is:- (a)Tar (b) Peat (c) Bio-gas (d) Petrol 162. Which structure produces the gamete bearing plantof moss ? (a) Spore (b) Bud (c) Protonema (d) Zygote 163. Bryophytes show an advancement over algae in:- (a) Having multicellular sporophytic generation (b) Having parasitic sporophyte (c) Having zygotic meiosis (d) None of the above 164. Which bryophyte is known as Peat moss ? (a)Riccia (b)Riella (c) Sphagnum (d) Marchantia 165. Leafy gametophyte occurs in:- (a) Liver worts (b) Horn worts (c) Moss (d) Fern 166. Sporophyte with indefinite growth occurs in:- (a) Liver worts (b) Horn worts (c) Mosses (d) Fern 167.Sphagnum may be used as a substitute of :- (a) Absorbent cotton (b)Non absorbent cotton (c) Plastic (d) Polythene 168. Non vascular embryophytaare :- (a) Thallophyta (b) Bryophyta (c) Pteridophyta (d)(a) and (b) both 169. The water conducting tissue in bryophytais :- (a) Parenchyma (b) Sclerenchyma (c)Trachieds (d) Sieve tubes 170. Bryophyta are not tall plants due to:- (a) Absence of meristem (b) Absence of vascular tissues (c) Presence of root system (d) All the above 171. The first cell of sporophytic generation in bryophytais:- (a)Spore (b) Spore mother cell (c) Zygote (d) Protonema 172.Structures for dispersal of spores in bryophytaare :- (a) Elaters (b)Pseudoelaters (c)Peristomial teeth (d) All the above 173. Oblique septa in rhizoids are characteristic of :- (a) Liverworts (b) Hornworts (c) Mosses (d) Ferns 174. In which bryophyta germination of spore is indirect:- (a)Riccia (b) Rhizopus (c)Puccinia (d)Funaria 175. Male gametes of bryophytes are :- (a)Uniflagellate (b)Multiflagellate (c) Biflagellate (d)Triflagellate 176. Rhizoids of hepaticopsida and anthocerotopsidaare :- (a) Multicellular and branched (b) Unicellular and unbranched (c) Unicellular and branched (d) Multicellular and unbranched 177. The vascular tissue is absent in :- (a) Algae, fungi and pteridophytes (b) Thallophytes and bryophytes (c) Bryophytes and pteridophytes (d) Angiosperm and gymnosperm 178. The sporophyte of bryophyte is :- (a) Parasitic (b) Autotrophic (c) Saprophytic (d)Semiparasitic or parasitic 179. Non vascular land plants are called:- (a)Bryophtyes (b)Pteridophytes (c) Fungi (d) Algae 180. Vascular cryptogams or seed less vascular plantsbelongs to:- (a)Bryophyta (b) Pteridophyta (c) Thallophyta (d)Spermatophyta 181. Seed habit first established in:- (a)Pteridophytes (b) Gymnosperms (c) Angiosperms (d) None of the above 182. Most conspicuous alternation of generation occurs is:- (a)Thallophyta (b)Bryophyt (c)Pteridophyta (d) Spermatophyta 183. Rhizoids containing sporophytic plants arecharacteristic of:- (a)Bryopsida (b)Spenopsida (c)Cycadophyt (d)Psilopsida 184. Which group includes green leaf microphyllousplants:- (a)Lycopsida (b)Sphenopsida (c)Psilotopsida (d) Pteropsida 185. Roots first originated in :- (a) Algae (b) Fungi (c) Bryophyta (d) Pteridophyta 186. Pteridophyta differs from bryophyta in having:- (a) Vascular tissue (b) Archegonia (c) Alternation of generations (d) Motile sperm 187. In pteridophyta, reduction division occurs when:- (a) Prothallus is formed (b) Spores are formed (c) Sex organs are formed (d) Gametes are formed 188. The main plant body of Pteridophytes is:- (a)Sporophyte (b) Gametophyte (c) Haploid (d) None of the above 189. Cryptogamic plants are:- (a)Seedless (b)Embryoless (c) Leafless (d) Rootless 190. Adiantum is called "walking fern" due to :- (a) Power of locomotion (b) Vegetative reproduction (c) Motile antherozoites (d) All the above 191. Plants having vascular tissues but lacking seeds are :- (a) Bryophyta (b) Pteridophyta (c) Gymnosperms (d) Angiosperms 192. Heterospory occurs in :- (a) Selaginella (b) Pteridium (c) Funaria (d) Riccia 193.Sporangia are found in fruiting structures calledsporocarps in aquatic ferns, which of the followingis aquatic fern :– (a) Azolla (b) Selaginella (c) Pteridium (d) Equisetum 194.The antherozoids of fern are :– (a) Uniflagellate (b) Biflagellate (c)Quadriflagellate (d)Multiflagellate 195.In pteridophytes the spores germinate to form:- (a)Protonema (b) Prothallus (c) Sporophyte (d) Archegonium 196. Aquatic fern which supports the growth of bluegreen algae, Anabaena, and used to increase theyield of paddy crop is :- (a) Salvinia (b) Marsilea (c) Riccia (d) Azolla 197. Most distinct type of alternation of generations isdemonstrated by :– (a) Angiosperms (b) Ferns (c) Gymnosperms (d) Bryophytes 198.Presence of motile stage in life cycle & requirementof water as a medium to complete life cycle isdiagnostic characters of :– (a) Thallophyta (b) Bryophyta (c) Pteridophyta (d) Cryptogams 199. Evolution of seed habit first started in :- (a)Selaginella like ancestral pteridophytes (b) Psilotum like ancestral pteridophytes (c) Gymnosperms (d) Mosses 200.Young fern leaves and rhizome are protected by :- (a) Root cap (b)Ramenta (c) Roots (d) Leaf bases 201. In ferns, the permanent roots are :- (a) Tap root (b) Adventitious roots (c) Tuberous roots (d) Rhizome 202. Independent alternation of generation is found in- (a) Pteridophyta (b) Spermatophyta (c) Thallophyta (d) Bryophyta 203.Stem distinctly differentiated in to node and internode in :- (a)Psilopsida (b)Lycopsida (c)Sphenopsida (d)Pteropsida 204.Spore producing part of pteridophytes is:- (a) Sporangia of gametophytes (b) Capsule of sporophytes (c) Sporangia of sporophytes (d) Capsule of gametophytes 205.In pteridophytes, reduction division takes place in :- (a) Zygote (b) Spore mother cells (c) Gametangia (d) Prothallus 206. Most advanced Gymnosperm belongs to:- (a)Cycadales (b)Coniferales (c)Gnetales (d)Cycadofillicales 207. Which of the following is called father of forest? (a) Pinus (b) Banyan (c) Sequoia (d) Cedrus 208. All Gymnosperms are:- (a)Heterosporous (b) Arborescent/Woody (c) Seed plants (d) All the above 209. Gymnosperm plants lack :- (a) Vessels (b) Fruits (c) Companion cells (d) All the above 210. Gymnosperm plants do not produce fruits becausethey do not have:- (a)ovary (b) gametes (c) fertilization (d) None of these 211. Ovule is morphologically equivalent to:- (a)Megaspore (b) Megasporangium (c) Microspore (d) Megasporophyll 212. Cones in Gymnosperm plants are:- (a)Bisexual (b) Unisexual (c) Sterile (d) Any of the above 213. Double fertilization and triple fusion arecharacteristic of:- (a)Spermatophyta (b) Gymnosperms (c) Pteridophyta (d) Angiosperms 214. In which of the following characters, the angiospermsresemble gymnosperms? (a) Presence of ovule (b) Absence of endosperm (c) Presence of vessels (d) Mode of fertilisation by zoodiosiphonogamy 215. Which character most differentiates angiospermsfrom gymnosperms ? (a) Triploid endosperm (b) Vessels in xylem (c) Seeds enclosed in fruits (d) Attractive petels 216. Gametophyte embeded in sporophyte in:- (a)Bryophyta (b) Pteridophyta (c) Cryptogams (d) Spermatophyta 217. Antheridia and archegonia are absent in :- (a) Bryophyta (b) Pteridophyta (c) Gymnosperms (d) Angiosperms 218. Ephedrine is obtained by :- (a) Ephedra (b) Gnetum (c) Pinus (d) Cycas 219. Resin turpentine is obtained from:- (a)Pinus (b) Adiantum (c) Club mosses (d)Sequoia 220. Which group is largest in gymnosperms ? (a)Cycadales (b)Gnetales (c)Coniferales (d)Cordaitales 221. Spore bearing tracheophytes:- (a)Pteridophyta (b) Gymnosperms (c) Angiosperms (d) All the above 222. Which of the following Gymnospermic ordersresembles with angiosperms ? (a)Cycadales (b)Coniferales (c)Gnetales (d)Ginkgoales 223. Living fossil:- (a)Cycas (b) Ginkgo (c) Psilotum (d) All the above 224. Sequoia belongs to:- (a)Cycadofillicales (b)Gnetales (c)Coniferales (d) Dicots 225. Which of the following are absent in groupgymnosperm ? (a) Trees (b) Shrubs (c) Liana (d) Herbs 226. Which plant group is exclusively perennial ? (a) Dicots (b) Ferns (c) Gymnosperms (d) Monocots 227. In Ginkgo, male gametes are :- (a) Motile (b) Non-motile (c) Amoeboid (d) Absent 228.Male gamete of Cycas is largest in plant kingdom,is :- (a) Non motile (b) Biflagellate (c) Multiciliate (d) Uniflagellate 229. The mode of pollination in gymnospermeis :- (a) Anemophily (b) Entomophily (c) Hydrophily (d) Any of the above 230. Which of the following order of gymnosperme istotally become extinct ? (a)Cycadales (b)Ginkgoales (c)Gnetales (d)Cycadofilicales 231.Which of the following remained unchanged for lastmany million years ? (a) Pinus (b) Rice (c) Cedrus (d) Ginkgo 232.Life cycle of gymnosperm is :- (a) Haplontic (b) Haplodiplontic (c) Diplontic (d) Diplohaplontic 233.Which of the following is commonly known as"Chilgoza pine" ? (a)Pinusroxburghii (b) P. strobus (c) P. gerardiana (d) P. sylvestris 234.The gymnosperm resembles with angiosperm inhaving :- (a) Ciliated sperms (b) Presence of ovary (c) Presence of seed (d) Presence of fruit 235.In Cycas the microsporangia are born on which sideof microsporophyll :– (a) Adaxial (b) Abaxial (c) Lateral (d) Terminal 236.Vessels and companion cells are found in :– (a) Pteridophyta (b) Gnetum (c) Ephedra (d) Angiosperm 237.Fruits are not formed in gymnosperm because :– (a) Fertilization is absent (b) Pollination is absent (c) Seeds are not formed (d) Ovary is absent 238.Which one have maximum power of adaptation ? (a) Bryophyta (b) Pteridophyta (c) Gymnosperm (d) Angiosperm 239.Gymnosperms differ from pteridophytes in having– (a) Presence of tracheids (b) Presence of embryo (c) Presence of ovule (d)Companian cell 240.Most gymnosperms have :– (a) Both archegonia and antheridia (b) Antheridia but no archegonia (c) Archegonia but no antheridia (d) No antheridia or archegonia 241.The "endosperm" of a gymnosperm represent :– (a) Gametophytic tissue (b) Sporophytic tissue (c) Tissue formed by double fertilization (d) Polyploid tissue 242.Vessels occur in the following gymnosperm plant:– (a) Ginkgo (b)Taxus (c)Gnetum (d) All the above 243.In gymnosperm endosperm is :– (a) Triploid (b) Diploid (c) Haploid (d) Tetraploid 244.Which of the following is not heterosporous ? (a)Selaginella (b) Pinus (c)Pteridium (d)Cycas 345.Multiciliate male gametes are found in :– (a) Pinus (b) Cycas (c) Gnetum (d) Mango 246.Which of the following plant form seed and havepollen tube ? (a) Angiosperm (b) Pteridophytes (c) Gymnosperm (d)Siphonogamous plants 247. Modern day (Advanced) plants are:- (a)Monocots (b) Dicots (c)Gnetales (d) Ferns 248.Which group of plants is exclusively arborescent(woody) ? (a)Pteridophyta (b) Dicots (c) Gymnosperms (d) Monocots ANSWER KEY
1 B 41 A 81 B
2 D 42 C 82 D
3 B 43 C 83 A
4 D 44 B 84 D
5 C 45 A 85 A
6 B 46 C 86 D
7 B 47 D 87 B
8 B 48 B 88 B
9 D 49 A 89 B
10 A 50 A 90 B
11 B 51 A 91 D
12 D 52 A 92 C
13 C 53 A 93 C
14 B 54 B 94 A
15 A 55 B 95 A
16 A 56 A 96 B
17 D 57 A 97 C
18 B 58 A 98 C
19 A 59 B 99 D
20 D 60 C 100 A
21 B 61 B 101 D
22 A 62 C 102 A
23 D 63 D 103 A
24 D