1. Which one is the most abundant microorganism? (a) Bacteria (b) Protozoan (c) Viruses (d) Protists 2. Bacteria occur - (a) In water only (b) In soil only (c) As parasite (d) Everywhere 3. Based upon the shape bacteria are grouped under how many categories? (a) 2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)5 4. Which of the following bacteria are comma-shaped - (a) Coccus (b) Vibrio (c) Bacillus (d) Clostridium 5. Identify the names of the different bacteria according to the shapes – (a) _A - Cocci, B - Bacilli, C - Spirilla, D – Vibrio (b) A- Bacilli, B - Cocci, C - Spirilla, D - Vibrio (c) A- Spirilla, B - Bacilli, C - Cocci, D – Vibrio (d) A- Spirilla, B - Vibrio, C - Cocci, D – Bacilli 6. Which of the following statement is correct about bacteria? (a) Bacteria are simple in both structure and behaviour (b) Bacteria are complex in structure as well as behaviour (c) Bacteria are complex in structure but simple in behaviour (d) Bacteria are simple in structure but complex in behaviour 7. Which of the following organisms show the most extensive metabolic diversity? (a) Algae (b) Fungi (c) Bacteria (d) Bryophytes 8. Most of the bacteria are - (a)Autotrophs (b) Chemoautotrophs (c) Heterotroph (d) Parasites 9. Which of the following are autotrophs? (a) Photosynthetic bacteria (b) Chemosynthetic bacteria (c) Archaebacteria (d) Both a and b 10. Which of the following statements is wrong about Archaebacteria? (a) They live in some of the harshest habitats (b) They are recently evolved group (c) Cell wall is peptidoglycan less (d) They are unlike most other bacteria 11. Which of the following areas or conditions would be favoured by Thermoacidophiles? (a) The stomach of many herbivores (b) Hot, alkaline (c) Hot, sulphurs rings (d) Deep sea valconic. 12. Which is not correct about methanogens? (a) They are Archaebacteria (b) They live in marshy areas (c) Methane is their preferred carbon source (d) They are present in guts of several ruminant animals (cow, buffaloes) and they produce biogas (CH 4) from the dung of these animals 13. An Archean that lives in extremely salty condition is referred to as a - (a) Thermophile (b) Halophile (c) Thermoacidophiles (d) Methanogen 14. Eubacteria includes - . (a) Bacteria and Archaebacteria (b) Cyanobacteria + Archaebacteria (c) Bacteria and Blue green algae (d) Bacteria+ Eukaryote 15. All Eubacteria have - (a) Cell wall (b) Flagella (c) Heterocyst (d) All the above 16. Cyanobacteria I Blue green algae are (a) Unicellular only (b) Colonial only (c) Filamentous only (d) Unicellular, Colonial or filamentous 17. Cyanobacteria are - (a) Only fresh water (b) Only marine (c) Only terrestrial (d) Aquatic and terrestrial 18. Which ones forms bloom in polluted water mostly - (a) Cyanobacteria (b) Green algae (c) Red algae (d) Brown algae 19. Some of the Cyanobacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen in specialised cells called - (a)Akinetes (b) Heterocyst (c) Homocyst (d) Nodule 20. Some of the Cyanobacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen in specialised cells called - (a)Akinetes (b) Heterocyst (c) Homocyst (d) Nodule 21. The group of organisms oxidising various inorganic substances such as nitrate s, nitrites and ammonia using the released energy for their ATP production are- (a) Chemoheterotrophic bacteria (b) Chemosynthetic autotroph ic bacteria (c) Photoautotrophic bacteria (d) Saprophytic bacteria 22. Which of the following play a great role in recycling nutrients like N, P, and S? (a) Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria (b) Parasitic bacteria (c) Photoautotrophic bacteria (d) Cyanobacteria 23. Cyanobacteria have (a) Chl- a similar to plant including green algae (b) Distinct from chlorophyll of plants (c) Bacteriochlorophyll (d) Bacteriorhodopsin 24. The majority of bacteria are - (a) Photoautotrophs (b) Chemoautotrophs (c) Chemo heterotrophs I decomposers (d) Disease causing 25. Bacteria participate in - (a) Many industrial and commercial processes (b) N -fixation in legume roots (c) Disease producing in plants, animals and human beings (d)All 26. All of the following diseases cause by bacteria except - (a)Flu (b)Cholera (c)Tetanus (d) Typhoid 27. Citrus canker is a …………..disease (a) Bacterial (b) Viral (c) Fungal (d) Mycoplasmal 28. Bacteria reproduce mainly by - (a) Endospores formation (b) Zoospores formation (c) Fission (d) Sexual method 29. Identify the blanks in the following figures –Nostoc (a) A- Cell wall, B - Cell membrane, C - Heterocyst, D - DNA, E - Mucilagenous sheath (b) A- Cell wall, B - Cell membrane, C - DNA, D - Heterocyst, E - Mucilagenous sheath (c) A- Mucilagenous sheath, B - Cell membrane, C - DNA, D - Heterocyst, E - Cell wall (d) A- Cell membrane, B - Cell wall, C - DNA, D - Heterocyst, E - Mucilagenous sheath 30. Which of the following statements is correct - I. Mycoplasma has no cell wall II. Mycoplasma is the smallest living organism Ill. Mycoplasma cannot survive without 02 IV. Mycoplasma are pathogenic in animals and plants V. True sexuality is not found in bacteria VI. A sort of sexual reproduction by adopting a primitive DNA transfer from one bacterium to the other occurs (a)All (b) Only Ill (c) I, II, IV, V, VI (d) I, Ill, VI 31. Protista includes - (a) Unicellular prokaryotes (b) Unicellular eukaryotes (c) Bacteriophages (d) B.G.A 32. Which of the following kingdoms has no well-defined boundaries? (a) Monera (b) Protista (c) Fungi (d) Metaphyta and Metazoa 33. Members of Protista are primarily - (a) Parasites (b) Terrestrial (c) Aquatic (d) Photosynthetic 34. Nearly all protists are - (a) Aerobic (b)Anaerobic (c)Aerobic or anaerobic (d) Photosynthetic 35. Nutritionally, protists are - (a) Photoautotrophs (b) Heterotrophs (c) Mixotrophs (d)photoautotrophs, heterotrophs or autotrophs 36. Based upon the modes of nutrition, protists are grouped into - (a) Plant-like protists (algae) and ingestive, animal-like protists (protozoa); and absorptive, fungus like protists (b) Chrysophytes, Dinoflagellates and Euglenoids only (c) Slime moulds and fungi only (d) Flagellated protozoans and sporozoans only 37. Which of the following are placed under Protista-? (a) Chryosophytes and Dinoflagellates (b) Euglenoids (c) Slime moulds and protozoans (d)All 38. Locomotory structures in protists are (a) Flagella (b) Cilia (c) Pseudopodia (d)All 39. Protista form a link with - (a) Plants only (b) Animals only (c) Fungi only (d) Plants, animals and fungi 40. Chrysophytes include - (a) Diatoms and desmids (golden algae) (b) Dinoflagellates (c) Euglenoids (d) Slime moulds 41. Which of the following modes of reproduction can be found in at least some protists? (a) Binary fission (b) Sexual reproduction (c) Spore formation (d) All 42. Which of the following modes of reproduction can be found in at least some protists? (a) Binary fission (b) Sexual reproduction (c) Spore formation (d) All 43. Silica gel (Keieselghur) I Diatomite I Diatomaceous earth is obtained by - (a) Diatoms (b) Dinoflagellates (c) Euglenoids (d) Brown algae 44. The diatoms do not easily decay like most of the other algae because - (a) They have highly siliceous wall (b) They have water proof cells (c) Their cell wall are mucilaginous (d) Cell wall is virus-resistant 45. Diatomaceous earth is used for all except - (a) Polishing (b) Filteration of oils and syrups (c) Sound and fire proof room (d) Biogas 46. Chrysophytes are - (a) Planktons (b) nektons (c) Benthonic (d)Active swimmers 47. Chief producers in ocean are - (a) Dinoflagellates (b) Diatoms (c) Euglenoids (d) Green algae 48. Photosynthetic protists are - (a) Euglenoids, Diatoms and Dinoflagellates (b) Euglenoids and slime moulds (c) Diatoms and Zoo flagellates (d) Desmide +Ciliates 49. Dinoflagellates are mostly- (a) Marine (b) Fresh water (c) terrestrial (d) Saprophytes 50. Red tides in warm coastal water develop due to super abundance of- (a) Dinoflagellates (b) Euglenoid forms (c)Diatoms and desmids (d) Chlamydomonas nivalis. 51. Red tide is caused by - (a) Ceretium (b) Noctiluca (c) Gonyaulax (d)All of these 52. Dinoflagellates have - (a) A single flagellum in the transverse groove between the cell plates (b) A single flagellum in the longitudinal groove between the cell plates (c) Two flagella one lies longitudinally and the other transversely in a furrow between the wall plates (d) No flagella 53. In which of the following the cell wall has stiff cellulose plate on the outer surface - (a) Dinoflagellates (b) Desmids (c) Diatoms (d) Euglenoids 54. Which of the following releases toxins that may even kill other marine animals like fishes - (a) Gonyaulax (b) Paramecium (c) Euglenoids (d) Sporozoans 55. Euglenoids e.g. Euglena are found - (a) In fresh running water (b) In fresh stagnant water (c) In marine environment (d) In both fresh and marine water 56. Which of the following statements about Euglena is true? (a) Euglenoids are flagellates (b) Euglena placed in continuous darkness loses their photosynthetic activity and die (c) The pigments of Euglena are quite different from those of green plants (d) Euglena is a marine Protista 57. Which of the following statement is true about Euglena? (a) They show flagellar locomotion (b) They have a rigid cell wall (c) They have no chloroplast (d) They are obligate autotroph 58. I. Instead of a cell wall they have a protein rich pellicle making their body flexible. II. They have 2 flagella, a short and a long one. Ill. They have mixotrophic nutrition IV. In light they are photosynthetic, but act as heterotroph (predating other smaller organism) when they are in dark. V. They are connecting link between plants and animals. The above statements are assigned to - (a) Dinoflagellates (b) Slime mould (c) Desmids and Diatoms (d) Euglena 59. Slime moulds - (a) Are parasite (b) Do not produce spores (c) Do not produce fruiting bodies (d) Saprophytic protists 60. The slimy mass of protoplasm with nuclei forms the body of slime mould is called - (a) Plasmodium (b) Myxamoeba (c) Sporocytes (d) Periplasmodium 61. Which of the following is correct about the slime mould? I. Its thalloid body, plasmodium, has pseudopodia for locomotion and engulfing organic matter II. During unfavourable conditions plasmodium differentiates and produces fruiting bodies, sporangium III. Spores possess no true cell wall. IV. They are dispersed by air current. V. Being extremely resistant, spores survive for many years VI. Plasmodium can grow upto several feet. (a) I, 11, IV, V, VI (b) I, II , Ill (c) I, II , Ill , VI (d)ll , 111 , VI 62. Protozoans are not included in kingdom Animalia because - (a) Mostly asymmetrical (b)Unicellular eukaryotes (c)"Heterotrophic nature (d) Multicellular prokaryotes 63. All protozoans are - (a) Saprophytes only (b) Parasites only (c) Predators only (d) Heterotrophs (parasites or predator) only 64. Which of the following is considered to be primitive relatives of animals - (a) Dinoflagellates (b) Slime moulds (c) Protozoa (d) Protochordata 65. How many major groups protozoan have? (a)3 (b)4 (c) 2 (d) 8 66. Which of the following are protozoans? (a) Diatoms, flagellates, ciliates (b) Desmids, flagellates, ciliates (c)Amoeboid, flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans (d) Amoeba, Paramecium, dinoflagellates, Plasmodium 67. Which of the following statements is wrong about the amoeboid protozoans? (a) They live in freshwater, sea water or moist soil (b) Amoeba has pseudopodia for locomotion and capture prey (c) Entamoeba show holozoic nutrition (d) Marine forms are shelled with silica 68. Flagellated protozoans are - (a) Free living (b) Parasites (c) Either free living or parasites (d) Pseudopodia 69. Which one is correct about Trypanosoma? (a) They are flagellated protozoan (b) They are parasite (c) They cause sleeping sickness (d)All 70. Paramecium- (a) Is a ciliated protozoan (b) Shows water current maintained by cilia which helps the food to be steered into gullet (c) Has a cavity (gullet) that opens to the outside of the cell surface (d)All 71. Plasmodium (malarial parasite) is- (a) Sporozoans (b) Ciliated protozoan (c) Flagellated protozoan (d) Amoeboid protozoan 72. Which of the following always produce an infectious spore like stage in their life cycles? (a) Ciliated protozoans (b) Flagellated protozoans (c) Sporozoans (d) None 73. Mode of nutrition in fungi is - (a) Parasitic (b) Saprophytic (c) Autotrophic (d) Heterotrophic 74. All of the following are fungi except (a) Yeast (b) Penicillium (c) Plasmodium (d) Puccinia 75. Which of the following is odd? (a) Toad stool (b) Puccinia (c) Alternaria (d) Mushroom 76. Cell walls of all fungi consist of the polysaccharide - (a) Chitin (b) Cellulose (c) Silica (d) Pectin 77. The body of multicellular fungus is called a - (a) Monokaryon (b) Hyphae (c) Rhizoids (d) Dikaryon 78. The cells of the body of a multicellular fungus are organised into rapidly growing individual filaments called - (a) Mycelium (b) Rhizoids (c) Hyphae (d) Dikaryon 79. Which one is unicellular fungus? (a) Puccinia (b) Toad stool (c) Penicillium (d) Yeast 80. Coenocytic hypha is - (a) Uninucleate hypha (b) Multicellular hypha (c) Multinucleate hypha without septae (d) Hypha in coelom 81. Many fungi are _ _ _ _ associating with photosynthetic organisms to form mycorrhiza or lichens - (a) Parasitic (b) Symbiotic (c) Photosynthetic (d) Saprobic 82. Fungi can be parasites on - (a) Animals (b) Human being (c) Plants (d)All 83. Fungi prefer to grow in – (a) Cold and dry places (b) Hot and dry places (c) Sea water (d) Warm and humid places 84. Fungi occur- (a) In air and soil (b) In water (c) On plants and animals (d}All 85. Fungi show a great diversity in - (a) Morphology (b) Habitat (c) Both a and b (d) Nutrition 86. Reproduction in fungi can take place by all of the following vegetative methods except- (a) Gemmae (b) Fragmentation (c) Fission (d) Budding 87. Fungi show asexual reproduction by all of the following spores except - (a) Conidia • (b) Oospore (c) Sporangiospore (d) Zoospores 88. Sexual reproduction in fungi is by all of the following except - (a) Oospores (b) Ascospores (c) Zoospores (d) Basidiospores 89. Select the correct statements below that correctly apply to the Kingdom Fungi - (a) Some fungi form beneficial interrelationships with plants (b) Certain fungi are natural sources of antibiotics (c) The fungal life cycle typically includes a spore stage (d)All 90.
The above diagram shows a generalized life cycle of a fungus. The appropriate terms for A to E are –
91. When (a) Spores a moist are bread present is kept exposed in • air, it becomes mouldy and black because (a) Spores are present (b) Spores are present in the bread (c) Spores are in the air (d) The bread gets decomposed• 92. Which of the following is the correct sequence of 3 steps in the sexual cycle of fungi - (a) Mitosis ----. Meiosis ----. Fertilization (b) Plasmogamy----. Karyogamy----. Meiosis (c) Meiosis ----. Plasmogamy----. Karyogamy (d) Karyogamy----. Plasmogamy----. Meiosis 93. Fungi are classified on the basis of - (a) Morphology of mycelium (b) Mode of spore formation (c) Development of fruiting bodies (d)All 94. Dikaryophase I Dikaryon formation is a specific characteristic of- (a) All fungi (b) Phycomycetes and ascomycetes (c) Only basidiomycetes (d) Ascomycetes and basidiomycetes 95. Coenocytic, multinucleate and branched mycelial habit is found in - (a) Basidiomycetes (b) Phycomycetes (c) Ascomycetes (d) Deuteromycetes 96.
97. Members of phycomycetes are found I. In aquatic habitat II on decaying wood III. On moist and damp places IV. As obligate parasite on plants (a) None of the above (b) I and IV (c) II and Ill (d)All of the above 98. In phycomycetes asexual reproduction occurs by- (a) Zoospores (motile) (b)Aplanospores (non-motile) (c) Both (d)Aplanogamete 99. Which of the following spores are produced endogenously? (a) Zoospores and Conidia (b) Conidia and aplanospores (c) Aplanospores and zoospores (d)Aplanospores, zoospores andConidia 100. In Phycomycetes sexual reproduction occurs by- (a) Isogamy and Anisogamy (b) lsogamy, Oogamy (c) lsogamy, Anisogamy and oogamy (d) Oogamy and Anisogamy 101.All the following belong to phycomycetes except - (a) Penicillium (b) Rhizopus (bread mould) (c) Mucor (d) Albugo 102. Which of the following is parasite on mustard? (a) Albugo (b) Puccinia (c) Yeast (d) Ustilago 103. Which of the following is false about ascomycetes? (a) Mode of nutrition saprophytic, decomposer, coprophilous (growing on dung) and parasitic (b) Includes unicellular (e.g. yeast) and multicellular forms (c) Mycelium is coenocytic (d) Aspergillus, Claviceps, Neurospora are important members of Ascomycetes 104. I. It includes unicellular as well as multicellular fungi II. In multicellular forms hyphae are branched and septate Ill. Conidiophore produces conidia (spores) exogenously in chain IV. Sexual spores are ascospores produced endogenously in Ascus V. Fruiting body is called ascocarps Which of the above characters are shown by - (a) Phycomycetes (b) Sac fungi (c) Club fungi (d) Fungi imperfecti 105. Which of the following are edible ascomycetes delicacies? (a) Morels+ Mushroom (b) Truffles+ Toadstool (c) Morels+ Trufles (d) Puffball+ Mushroom 106. Which of the following is used extensively in biochemical and genetical work? (a) Agaricus (b) Alternaria (c) Neurospora (d) Mucor 107. Which of the following ascomycetes is the source of antibiotic? (a) Neurospora (b) Penicillium (c) Claviceps (d) None 108. Basidiomycetes include - (a) Mushroom, Toadstool, Puffball and bracket fungi (b) Smut fungi and rust fungi (c) Both a and b (d) Bread mould, sac fungi and algal fungi 109. Which of the following are common parasite basidiomycetes? (a) Puccinia (rust) and Usti/ago (smut) (b) Bracket fungi (c) Puffballs (d) Agaricus (mushroom) 110. Where does meiosis occur in mushroom? (a) Basidiospores (b) Basidium (c) Basidiocarps (d) Ascus mother cell 111. I. Mycelium is branched and septate II. No asexual spores are generally formed Ill. Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation is common IV: Sex organs are absent but sexual reproduction takes place by somatogamy V. Karyogamy and meiosis occur in basidium to form haploid exogenous 4 basidiospores VI. Basidia are arranged in basidiocarps. The above characters are assigned to - (a) Sac fungi (b) Club fungi (c)Algal fungi (d) Fungi imperfecti 112. Plasmogamy is the fusion of- (a) 2 haploid cells including their nuclei (b) 2 haploid cells without nuclear fission (c) Sperm and egg (d) Sperm with 2 polar nuclei 113. Somatogamy is the fusion of - (a) Two vegetative I somatic cell, of different strain I genotypes to form dikaryotic cell (b) Sperm with egg (c) 2 somatic cell having identical strain (d) Egg with egg 114. Which of the following is false about deuteromycetes? (a) They reproduce only by asexual spores (conidia) (b) Mycelium is branched and septate (c) They have only parasitic forms (d) They have no sexual stage (perfect stage) 115. Which of the following is correct about class Deuteromycetes? (a) Some members are saprophytes or parasites (b) A large number of members are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling (c) Alternaria, Colletotrichum and Trichoderma are deuteromycetes (d)All 116. Sexual reproduction is found in all except - (a) Deuteromycetes (b) Ascomycetes (c) Phycomycetes (d) Basidiomycetes 117. If sexual stage is discovered in a member of deuteromycetes, it is moved to- (a) Phycomycetes (b) Basidiomycetes (c) Ascomycetes (d) Both band c 118. Select the false statement(s) - (a) Kingdom Plantae includes multicellular chlorophyll containing organisms (b) Plantae includes Bryophytes to Angiosperms; but not algae (c) Plantae shows alternation of generation (between gametophytic [NJ phase and sporophytic phase [2N]) (d)All 119. Which of the following pair(s) is false? (a) Bladderwort- insectivorous (b) Venus fly trap - insectivorous (c) Cuscuta - Saprophytic (d) Cell wall of plant cell - mainly cellulosic 120. Kingdom Animalia is characterised by - (a)Heterotrophic eukaryotic multicellular organisms having no cell wall in their cells (b) Reserve food - glycogen or fat (c) Holozoic nutrition (d)All 121. In the five kingdom classification of Whittaker there is - (a) No mention of viruses (b) Mention of lichens (c) No mention of. Viroids (d) No mention of viruses, viroids and lichens 122. Viruses did not find a place in classification since – (a) They are not truly living (b) They are obligate parasite (c) They are cellular (d) They are hyper parasite 123. Common cold I flu is - (a) A viral disease (b) A bacterial disease (c) A mycoplasmal disease (d) A fungal disease 124. Which is absent in viruses? (a) Nucleic acid (b) Protoplasm (c) Protein (d) a and c 125. The viruses are non-cellular organisms that are characterised by- (a) Having no nucleic acid (b) Having an active structure outside the living cell (c) Having an inert crystalline structure outside the cell (d) Their hyperactivity outside the cell 126. Term virus means - (a) Non-cellular (b) A parasite (c) A killer (d) Venom or poison 127. Term virus was given by - (a) D. J. Ivanowsky (b) Pasteur (c) Beijerinek (d) Stanley 128. The scientist who first crystallized TMV was - (a) Ivanowsky (b) Pasteur (c) Robertson (d) Stanley 129. Chemically viruses are - (a) Glycoproteins (b) Glycolipid (c) Nucleoproteins (d) Lipopolysaccharides 130. TMV by- (a) Mayer (b) Ivanowsky (c) Towrt (d) Pasteur 131. The concept of Contagium vivum fluidum (infectious living fluid) for virus was given - (a) Mayer (b) Beijerinck (c) Pasteur (d) lvanowsky 132. Which of the following statements is false about viruses - (a) Viruses are obligate parasites (b) Viruses can multiply only when they are inside the living cells (c) Viruses cannot pass bacterial proof filters (d) Viruses are made up of protein+ DNA or RNA (nerver both DNA and RNA) 133. Which is the infectious component of the virus? (a) Lipid (b) Protein (c) Nucleic acid (d) b and c 134. Viruses have proteins and (a) ds DNA or ssRNA (b) ssRNA or ds RNA (c) DNA and RNA (d) ds or ss RNA I DNA 135. In general plant viruses’ have- (a) Single strand RNA (b) dsRNA (c) ssDNA (d) dsRNS 136. Animal viruses have - (a) ssRNA (b) dsRNA (c) dsDNA or ssDNA (d)a or b or c 137. The genetic material for most of the bacteriophages is - (a) ssR.NA (b) dsRNA (c) dsDNA (d) ssDNA 138. The protein of viruses is called - (a) Capsid (b) Capsomere (c) Core (d) Envelope 139. The subunit of capsid is called - (a) Core (b) Nucleotide (c) Amino acid (d) Capsomere 140. All are the viral diseases except - (a) AIDS and mumps (b) Small pox and herpes (c) Influenza (d) Cholera 141. In plants mosaic formation, leaf rolling and curling, yellowing and vein clearing dwarfing and stunted growth are symptoms of – (a) Bacterial diseases (b) Mycoplasmal diseases (c) Viral diseases (d) Fungal diseases 142. In1971 T. 0. Diener discovered a new infectious agent that was smaller than viruses - I. It causes potato spindle tuber disease II. It is free RNA Ill. Molecular wt. of RNA is low The above statements are assigned to - (a) Viruses (b) Viroids (c) Virulent (d) Mycoplasma 143. Lichens are composite organism made up of a fungus and a photosynthetic alga. Which of the following statements is wrong about Lichen? (a) Lichens are sensitive toair pollution because they have no way to excrete toxic substances (b) Algal partner (phycobiont) and fungal partner (mycobiont) live mutually (c) Algae pre pare food for fungi and fungi provide shelter and absorb water+ minerals for algal partner- (d) None 144. Given below is the diagram of a bacteriophage. In which one of the options all the four parts A, B, C and D are correct?
145. Given below is the diagram of a virus. In which one of the options A, Band Care correct?
146. Observe the following figures and identify them. (a) A - Euglena, B - Paramecium, C - Agaricus (b) A- Euglena, B - Planaria, C - Agaricus (c) A- Planaria, B - Paramecium, C - Agaricus (d) A- Euglena, B - Paramecium, C - Aspergillus 147. Organisms called Methanogens are most abundant in a (a) Hot spring (b) Sulphur rock (c) Cattle yard (d) Polluted stream 148. Which one among the following statements is NOT correct? (a) Contractile vacuoles regulate osmoregulation in marine protozoans (b) Euglena is a halophytic protozoan (c) Trypanosoma belongs to the class Mastigophora (d) Class Sporozoa includes plasmodium. 149. How many organisms in the list given below are autotrophs? Lactobacillus, Nostoc, Chara, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, Streptomyces, Sacharomyces, Trypanosoma, Porphyra, Wolfia (a) Four (b) Five (c) Six (d) Three 150. In the five-kingdom classification, Chlamydomonas and Chlorella have been included in: (a) Protista (b)Algae (c) Plantae (d) Monera 151. Cuscuta is an example of: (a) Ectoparasitism (b) Brood parasitism (c) Predation (d) Endoparasitism 152. Which of the following option is correct:- (A) In basidiomycetes class asexual spores are generally not found. (B) Yeast is a unicellular fungus. (C) Fungi are divided into different classes on the basis of morphology of mycelium and sexual reproduction.(0) Branched , aseptate and multinucleate mycelium are found in club fungi. (a) B, C and Dare correct (b) A, C and Dare incorrect 153. Consider the following statements. A. Viruses are excluded from five kingdom classification of Whittaker. B. Kingdom Protista of Whittaker’s classification seems to be unnatural. C. Maximum nutritional diversity is found in Monera. D. In five kingdom classification, Euglena is included under Protista. E. Algae are distributed in five kingdom classification amongst Monera, Plantae and Protista. Of the above statements (a) A and Bare correct (b) C and Dare correct (c) Band E are correct (d) All are correct 154. The beautiful diatoms and desmids are placed under (a) Chrysophytes (b) Dinoflagellates (c) Euglenoids (d) Slime moulds. 155. The cyanobacteria are also referred to as (a) Protists (b) Golden algae (c) Slime moulds (d) Blue green algae 156. Which statement is wrong for viruses? (a) All are parasites (b) All of them have helical symmetry (c) They have ability to synthesize nucleic acids and proteins (d) Antibiotics have no effect on them 157. Which of the following are likely to be present in deep sea water? (a) Eubacteria (b) Blue-green algae (c) Saprophytic fungi (d) Archaebacteria 158. Select the wrong statement: (a) lsogametes are similar in structure, function and behaviour (b) Anisogametes differ either in structure, function or behaviour (c) In Oomycetes female gamete is smaller and motile, while male gamete is larger and non-motile. (d) Chlamydomonas exhibits both isogamy and Anisogamy and Fucus shows oogamy 159. Pigment-containing membranous extensions in some cyanobacteria are: (a) Heterocysts (b) Basal bodies (c) Pneumatophores (d) Chromatophores 160. Whittaker proposed - (a) Two kingdom classification (b) Five kingdom classification (c) Four kingdom classification (d) Three kingdom classification. 161. In Whittaker’s classification, non-nucleated unicellular organisms/prokaryotes are included under- (a) Plantae (b) Monera (c) Protista (d) Animalia. 162. In Whittaker’s. Five kingdom classification, eukaryotes are assigned to (a) All the five kingdoms (b) Only four kingdoms (c) Only three kingdoms (d) Only two kingdoms 163.
164. Five kingdom system of classification suggested by R.H. Whittaker is not based on: (a) Presence or absence of a well-defined nucleus. (b) Mode of reproduction. (c) Mode of nutrition. (d) Complexity of body organisation. 165. Agrobacteria differ from eubacteria in (a) Cell membrane (b) Mode of nutrition (c) Cell shape (d) Mode of reproduction 166. Which of the following shows coiled RNA strand and capsomeres? (a) Polio virus (b) Tobacco mosaic virus (c) Measles virus (d) Retrovirus 167. Viruses have :- (a) DNA enclosed in a protein coat (b) Prokaryotic nucleus (c) Single chromosome (d) Both DNA and RNA 168. The motile bacteria are able to move by:- (a) Fimbriae (b) Flagella (c) Cilia(d) pili 169. Which one of the following is true for fungi? (a) They are halotrophs (b) They lack a rigid cell wall (c) They are heterotrophs (d) They lack nuclear membrane 170. Specialized cells for fixing atmospheric nitrogen in Nostoc are (a)Akinetes (b) Heterocysts (c) Hormogonia (d) Nodules 171. Phototrophs and chemotrophs are defined on the basis of their• (a) Energy source (b) Requirement of organic and inorganic substaflces (c) Metabolism (d) Structure 172. Multicellular organism with halophytic nutrition belongs to how many kingdoms in Whittaker system? (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Five 173. Multicellular with loose tissue body organization is a characteristic feature of (a) Monera (b) Protista (c) Plantae (d) Fungi 174. The Cyanobacteria of great nutritional value being marketed today is (a)Serytonema (b) Spirogyra (c)Spirulina (d) Stigonema 175. What is true for cyanobacteria? (a) Oxygenic with nitrogenase (b) Oxygenic without nitrogenase (c) Non oxygenic with nitrogenase (d) Non oxygenic without nitrogenase. 176. Select incorrect statement w. r.t eubacteria (a) Have very simple structure (b) Peptidoglycan nature of cell wall (c) Heterotrophs are most abundant in nature (d) Show most simple metabolic diversity 177.Archaeabacteria do not show (a) Peptidoglycan in cell wall (b) Intrans in DNA (c) Branched chain lipids in cell membrane (d) Ribosomal protein with high acidic nature 178. Thermoacidophiles are capable of withstanding extremely low pH and high temperature due to the (a) Presence of branched chain lipid in cell membrane (b) Presence of resistant enzyme which can operate in basic condition (c) Presence of higher concentration of KCI in their cell (d) More than one option is correct 179.The name of the class is based on sexual structure as the site of karyogamy an d meiosis in (a) Phycomycetes and Actinomycetes (b) Deuteromycetes and Zygomycetes • (c) Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes (d) Basidiomycetes and Actinomycetes 180.
(a) A- Mucor, B - Aspergillus; C - Agaricus. (b) A- Mucor, B - Agaricus; C -Aspergillus. (c) A- Agaricus; B - Mucor, C - Aspergillus. (d) A-Agaricus; B - Aspergillus; C - Mucor. 181. Decomposers (micro consumers) are assigned to how many kingdoms of Whittaker? (a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4 182. Go through the following characters. How many of them are used to classify the organisms according to five kingdomsystem of classification? Cell structure, flagellation, mode of nutrition,reproduction, phylogenetic relationship, pigmentation. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d ) 3 183. A study of diverse organisms like plants, animals or fungi show similar pattern regarding (a) External morphology (b) Internal structure (c) Physiology (d) Sexual mode of reproduction 184. Choose the correct statement. a) All the members of Phycomycetes are facultative parasites on plants b) Fusion of protoplasm between two motile or non-motile gametes is called plasmogamy c) Kingdom Plantae includes all eukaryotic chlorophyll containing organisms and non-chlorophyll organisms and are called plants. d) Trichoderma belongs to basidiomycetes 185. Which of the following characters belongs to the kingdom Monera? a) Eukaryotic (b) Heterotrophic (c) Multicellular (d) Presence of cell walls made of cellulose 186.match the following and choose the correct combination from the options given .
a. A- (i) , B - (ii) , C - (iii) , D - (iv) b. A - (ii), B - (iii) , C - (iv) , D - (i) c.A - (iv), B - (ii i), C - (ii) , D - (i) d. A- (iii), B - (iv) , C - (ii) , D - (i) 187. Ofthe following statements which are not relevant to archaebacteria?
( a.)B and C (b) A, C and E (c) C, D and E (d)A, C and D 188.Which of the following is wrongly matched? a) Diener-Viroids are found to be a free DNA. b)N. M. Stanley - Crystallised proteins c) W. Beijerinck - Contagium vivum fluidum d) J. J. lvanowsky- Microbes smaller than a bacteria cause mosaic disease of tobacco 189. Structure of E.coli chromosomal DNA is (a) Double stranded, right handed and circular (b) Single stranded, right handed and circular. (c) Double stranded, left handed and linear (d) Double stranded, left handed and circular 190.Organisms which completely lack a cell wall and can live without oxygen is (a)Mycoplasmas (b) Archaebacteria (c) Methanogens (d) Thermoacidophiles 191.Which one of the following Cocci appears like grapes under microscope? (a)Streptococci (b) Diplococci (c) Staphylococci (d) Pneumococci 192. Green phytoplanktons are kept in which kingdom of five kingdom classification system? (a)Kingdom - Monera (b) Kingdom - Protista (c) Kingdom - Plantae (d) Kingdom – Fungi 193. True Nucleus is absent in . (a) Vaucheria {b) Volvox (c) Anabaena (d) Mucor 194.
195. The guts of cow and buffalo possess (a) Methanogens (b) Cyanobacteria (c) Fucus sp. (d) Chlorella sp. 196. The imperfect fungi which are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling belong to (a) Phycomycetes (b) Ascomycetes (c) Deuteromycetes (d) Basidiomycetes 197. Select the wrong statement (a) The term ’Contagium vivum fluidum’ was coined by M. W. Beijerinck (b) Mosaic disease in tobacco and AIDS in human being are caused by viruses (c) The viroids were discovered by D. J. lvanowsky (d) W. M. Stanle{showed that viruses could be crystallised 198. Choose the wrong statement. (a) Morels and truffles are poisonous mushrooms ’ (b) Yeast is unicellular and useful in fermentation (c) Penicillium is multicellular and produces antibiotics (d) Neurospora is used in the study of biochemical genetics 199. Pick up the wrong statement. (a) Some fungi are edible (b) Nuclear membrane is present in Monera (c) Cell wall is absent in Animals (d) Protists have photosynthetic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition 200. In which group of organisms the cell walls from two thin overlapping shells which fit together? (a) Dinoflagellates (b) Slime moulds (c) Chrysophytes (d) Euglenoids 201 .Fungus prefer to grow in (a) Warm and humid places (b) Cold and humid places (c) Warm and cold places (d) Warm, cold and humid places 202. Which of the following statements is wrong for viroids? (a) They lack a protein coat (b) They are smaller than viruses (c) They cause infections (d) Their RNA is of high molecular weight 203. One of the major components of cell wall of most fungi is:- (a) Chitin (b) Peptidoglycan (c) Cellulose (d) Hemicellulose 204. Which one of the following statements is wrong? (a) Cyanobacteria are also called blue-green algae (b) Golden algae are also called desmids (c) Eubacteria are also called, false bacteria (d) Phycomycetes are also called algal fungi 205. The primitive prokaryotes responsible for the production of biogas from the dung of ruminant animals, include (a) Halophiles (b) Thermoacidiophiles (c) Methanogens (d) Eubacteria 206. Chrysophytes, Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates and Slime moulds are included in the kingdom:- (a) Monera (b) Protista (c) Fungi (d) Animalia 207. Which of the following is not correctly matched? (a) Ascomycetes - Sac fungi (b) Neurospora - Drosophila of plant kingdom (c) Claviceps purpurea - Ergotin drug (d) Lycoperdon - Bracket fungi 208. Which one of the following is wrong for fungi? (a) They are heterotrophic (b) They are both unicellular and multicellular. (c) They are eukaryotic (d) All fungi possess a purely cellulosic cell wall 209. Methanogens belong to: (a) Dinoflagellates (b) Slime moulds (c) Eubacteria (d) Archaebacteria 210. Select the wrong statement: (a) Diatoms are chief producers in the oceans (b) Diatoms are microscopic and float passively in water (c) The walls of diatoms are easily destructible (d) ’Diatomaceous earth ’ is formed by the cell walls of diatoms. 211. The genome of Influenza virus is a: (a) Single-stranded RNA (b) Single-stranded RNA (+) (c) Double-stranded RNA (d) Single-stranded DNA Answer key
1 a 2 d 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 d 7 c 8 c 9 d 10 b
11 c 12 c 13 b 14 c 15 a 16 d 17 d 18 a 19 b 20 c
21 b 22 a 23 a 24 c 25 d 26 a 27 a 28 c 29 b 30 c
31 b 32 b 33 c 34 a 35 d 36 a 37 d 38 d 39 d 40 a
41 d 42 d 43 a 44 a 45 d 46 a 47 b 48 a 49 a 50 a
51 c 52 c 53 a 54 a 55 b 56 a 57 a 58 d 59 d 60 a
61 a 62 b 63 d 64 c 65 b 66 c 67 c 68 c 69 d 70 d
71 a 72 c 73 d 74 c 75 c 76 a 77 b 78 c 79 d 80 c
81 b 82 d 83 d 84 d 85 c 86 a 87 b 88 c 89 d 90 c
91 c 92 b 93 d